Paul Saba MD |
When the date for Jessica's birth approached, they were asked how aggressively the medical team should intervene to save her after she was born. Marisa responded: "I have done everything to come this far, and you do everything you need to do to keep her alive." Jessica is now a flourishing, energetic 11-year old.
Published by Winnipeg-based Word Alive Press, Made to Live tells for the first-time Dr. Saba's story. Even the book's creation was a family affair. The title comes from a drawing by Jessica when she was seven years old. The book's cover was designed by their son, John-Anthony. Eldest daughter Eliana contributed a chapter about saving children's lives in the underdeveloped world.
The books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Chapters, Indigo, Apple iBooks, Kobo, Google Play, Kindle, and Scribd vendors. The book will soon be available in other languages.
You can contact Lisa Hanash for review copies.
Book trailer:
For further information: Dr. Paul Saba, +1 514-886-3447,; Lisa Hanash, +1 514-618-9588,